Merlin (Hypnoweb) - French Fan Site

Book 2
Valiant (Japanese Version)

Book 3
The Mark of Nimueh (Japanese Version)
The Royal Library of Camelot is a fan-created resource of the BBC Merlin books!Given how the books have been out of print for a decade and how difficult it is to find physical copies nowadays, I thought it would be valuable to create a project dedicated to digitalizing the books into an archive to share with the fandom! As well as to help prevent them from becoming lost media.Last update: 01/21/2025
What i paid for my copies
If you're wondering about price points, here is what I paid for my copies! I always buy the ones labeled as "very good" condition. Some of the books out there are way overpriced, so I'll usually wait a while for a good deal to come along.Merlin: The Dragon's Call - $14 USD
Merlin: Valiant - $12 USD
Merlin: The Mark of Nimueh - $19 USD
Merlin: The Last Dragonlord - $14 USD
Merlin: The Traitor Within - $12 USD
where i buy my copies
I buy my copies on Ebay, AbeBooks, Amazon, World of Books, and thriftbooks
(And their status on this site)
KEY: pdf archived | epub missing
1. The Dragon's Call (archived) (epub?)
2. Valiant (archived) (epub?)
3. The Mark of Nimueh (archived) (epub?)
4. The Poisoned Chalice (archived) (epub?)
5. The Labyrinth of Gedref (archived) (epub?)
6. The Death of Arthur (archived) (epub?)
7. The Nightmare Begins (archived) (epub?)
8. Lancelot and Guinevere (archived) (epub?)
9. The Last Dragonlord (archived) (epub?)
10. The Traitor Within (archived) (epub?)
1. The Dragon's Call (Japanese Version) (archived) (epub?)
2. Valiant (Japanese Version) (pdf missing) (epub?)
3. The Mark of Nimueh (Japanese Version) (pdf missing) (epub?)
1. The Magic Begins (archived) (epub?)
2. Potions and Poison (archived) (epub?)
3. A Fighting Chance (archived) (epub?)
4. Swords and Sorcery (archived) (epub?)
5. Arthur and the Unicorn (archived) (epub?)
6. Dangerous Quests (archived) (epub?)
7. The Sorcerer's Curse (archived) (epub?)
The Adventures of Merlin: The Complete Guide (archived)
The Adventures of Merlin: Villain's Guide (archived)
The Adventure's of Merlin: Heroes Guide (archived)
The Adventures of Merlin: The Official Annual 2010 (archived)
The Adventures of Merlin: The Official Annual 2011 (archived)
The Adventures of Merlin: The Official Annual 2012 (archived)
The Adventures of Merlin: The Official Annual 2013(archived)
The Adventures of Merlin: Book of Mystery and Magic (archived)
The Adventures of Merlin: Potions & Spells Activity Book (archived)
The Adventures of Merlin: Mystery Activity Book (archived)
The Adventures of Merlin: Quest Activity Book (archived)
Totally... Merlin! Magazine (Titan Comics) Oct 2010 (archived)
Totally... Merlin! Magazine (Titan Comics) Dec 2011 (archived)
Totally... Merlin! Magazine (Titan Comics) Dec 2012 (archived)
The Official Merlin Magazine (Attic Media) Sept 2011 (archived)
The Adventures of Merlin: Sticker Collection (archived)
Merlin TOP TRUMPS SPECIALS Cards (archived)
Merlin Spellbook (The Dragon Tower Attraction, Warwick Castle) (archived)
PDF Downloads
Official Calendars
Merlin Action Figures
Magazine Extras
Other Merch
Official Magazines
Art from the Merlin comic strips by Lee Carey

Magazine Scans & Newspaper Clippings by Year
Radio Times Magazine (Sep 2008) pg. 1
Radio Times Magazine (Sep 2008) pg. 2
Radio Times Magazine (Sep 2008) pg. 3
Radio Times Magazine (Sep 2008) pg. 4
Radio Times Magazine (Sep 2008) pg. 5
The Daily Telegraph (Aug 2008)
The Independent (Sep 2008)
The Independent (Sep 2008)
RTÉ Guide (Sep 2008)
TV & Satellite (Sep 2008)
We Love TV Magazine (Sep 2008)
Total Film (2008)
The Daily Telegraph (Sep 2008)
TV Times pg. 1
TV Times pg. 2
Unknown French Magazine (approx. 2008)
Arena (2008) pg. 1
Arena (2008) pg. 2
Arena (2008) pg. 3
TV Quick
Unknown Magazine (2008)
Sunday Express (Oct 2008)
SFX Magazine (Oct 2008) pg. 1
SFX Magazine (Oct 2008) pg. 2
InStyle Magazine (Oct 2008) pg. 1
InStyle Magazine (Oct 2008) pg. 2
InStyle Magazine (Oct 2008) pg. 3
InStyle Magazine (Oct 2008) pg. 4
InStyle Magazine (Oct 2008) pg. 5
InStyle Magazine (Oct 2008) pg. 6
Fresh (Oct 2008)
Radio Times (Dec 2008) pg. 1
Radio Times (Dec 2008) pg. 2
Radio Times (Dec 2008) pg. 3
Battle Creek Enquirer (Jun 2009)
The Star Ledger (Jun 2009)
The Boston Globe (Jun 2009)
National Post (Jul 2009)
The San Francisco Examiner (Jun 2009)
The Sunday Oregonian (Jun 2009)
Waco Tribune-Herald (Jun 2009)
Tulsa World (Jun 2009)
The Philadelphia Inquirer (Jun 2009) (pg. 1)
The Philadelphia Inquirer (Jun 2009) (pg. 2)
Newsday (Jun 2009)
Irish Tatler (Sep 2009)
Total TV Guide (Sep 2009)
SFX Magazine (Aug 2009) pg. 1
SFX Magazine (Aug 2009) pg. 2
TV Mag pg. 1
TV Mag pg. 2
The Daily Telegraph (Sep 2009)
The Daily Telegraph (Sep 2009)
The Daily Telegraph (Sep 2009)
Radio Times (Sep 2009) pg. 1
Radio Times (Sep 2009) pg. 2
Daily Record (Scotland) (Sep 2009) pg. 1
Daily Record (Scotland) (Sep 2009) pg. 2
Daily Record (Scotland) (Sep 2009) pg. 3
Starhub Magazine (Telescope) (2009)
TV & Satellite (Sep 2009) pg. 1
TV & Satellite (Sep 2009) pg. 2
TV & Satellite (Sep 2009) pg. 3
TV Times (2009)
The Sunday Times Style (Ireland) (Sep 2009) pg. 1
The Sunday Times Style (Ireland) (Sep 2009) pg. 2
The Sunday Times Style (Ireland) (Sep 2009) pg. 3
The Sunday Times Style (Ireland) (Sep 2009) pg. 4
The Sunday Times Style (Ireland) (Sep 2009) pg. 5
SFX Magazine (Oct 2009) pg. 1
SFX Magazine (Oct 2009) pg. 2
Unknown French Magazine (2009)
TV Times pg. 1
TV Times pg. 2
TV Week (Australia) (2009) pg. 1
TV Week (Australia) (2009) pg. 2
Drama Magazine (2009) pg. 1
Drama Magazine (2009) pg. 2
Unknown French Magazine
New Straits Times (Malaysia) (Mar 2009)
Total TV Guide (2009)
Unknown Magazine (2009)
Belfast Telegraph (Jan 2010)
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (Apr 2010)
Courier Mail (May 2010)
SFX Magazine (Jul 2010)
Sunday Express (Sep 2010)
TV & Satellite Week (Sep 2010)
TV & Satellite Week Sept 2010 (2)
TV & Satellite Week Sept 2010 (3)
Midweek (Oct 2010)
SFX Magazine (Oct 2010) pg. 1
SFX Magazine (Oct 2010) pg. 2
SFX Magazine (Oct 2010) pg. 3
SFX Magazine (Oct 2010) pg. 4
The Peterborough Evening Telegraph (Oct 2010)
Total TV Guide (2010) pg. 1
Total TV Guide (2010) pg. 2
Irish Tatler (Oct 2010) pg. 1
Irish Tatler (Oct 2010) pg. 2
Irish Tatler (Oct 2010) pg. 3
Irish Tatler (Oct 2010) pg. 4
Irish Tatler (Oct 2010) pg. 5
Irish Tatler (Oct 2010) pg. 6
Irish Tatler (Oct 2010) pg. 7
Irish Tatler (Oct 2010) pg. 8
SFX Magazine (Nov 2010)
InStyle Magazine (Dec 2010)
Fort McMurray Today (Feb 2011)
TV Choice (2011)
THAT Magazine (France) (May 2011) pg. 1
THAT Magazine (France) (May 2011) pg. 2
THAT Magazine (France) (May 2011) pg. 3
THAT Magazine (France) (May 2011) pg. 4
THAT Magazine (France) (May 2011) pg. 5
Irish Tatler (Jul 2011) pg. 1
Irish Tatler (Jul 2011) pg. 2
Irish Tatler (Jul 2011) pg. 3
Irish Tatler (Jul 2011) pg. 4
Irish Tatler (Jul 2011) pg. 5
Irish Tatler (Jul 2011) pg. 6
Irish Tatler (Jul 2011) pg. 7
Irish Sunday Independent (Aug 2011) pg. 1
Irish Sunday Independent (Aug 2011) pg. 2
Irish Sunday Independent (Aug 2011) pg. 3
Irish Sunday Independent (Aug 2011) pg. 5
Irish Sunday Independent (Aug 2011) pg. 6
Glasgow Evening Times (Sep 2011)
Sunday Telegraph (Sep 2011)
The Sunday Post (Sep 2011)
TV Week (Oct 2011)
The Sunday Post (Oct 2011)
SFX (Oct 2011) pg. 1
SFX (Oct 2011) pg. 2
Sunderland Echo (Oct 2011)
Kentish Gazette Canterbury & District (Oct 2011)
SFX (2011) pg. 1
SFX (2011) pg. 2
SFX (2011) pg. 3
SFX Magazine (Nov 2011) pg. 1
SFX Magazine (Nov 2011) pg. 2
SFX Magazine (Nov 2011) pg. 3
SFX Magazine (Nov 2011) pg. 4
Mizz Magazine (Nov 2011)
The Age (Nov 2011)
What's On TV
TV Times (2011)
SFX Magazine
HOT Magazine (Malaysia) (Dec 2011) pg. 1
HOT Magazine (Malaysia) (Dec 2011) pg. 2
InStyle UK (2011) pg. 1
InStyle UK (2011) pg. 2
InStyle UK (2011) pg. 3
InStyle UK (2011) pg. 4
InStyle UK (2011) pg. 5
InStyle UK (2011) pg. 6
InStyle UK (2011) pg. 7
InStyle UK (2011) pg. 8
Gay Times (2011) pg. 1
Gay Times (2011) pg. 2
Gay Times (2011) pg. 3
Gay Times (2011) pg. 4
Gay Times (2011) pg. 5
Gay Times (2011) pg. 6
Gay Times (2011) pg. 7
Gay Times (2011) pg. 8
Gay Times (2011) pg. 9
Gay Times (2011) pg. 10
Gay Times (2011) pg. 11
Gay Times (2011) pg. 12
The Straits Times (Dec 2011)
SFX Fantasy Edition (Jan 2012) pg. 1
SFX Fantasy Edition (Jan 2012) pg. 2
SFX Fantasy Edition (Jan 2012) pg. 3
SFX Fantasy Edition (Jan 2012) pg. 4
SciFi Now Magazine (Jan 2012) pg. 1
SciFi Now Magazine (Jan 2012) pg. 2
SciFi Now Magazine (Jan 2012) pg. 3
SciFi Now Magazine (Jan 2012) pg. 4
SciFi Now Magazine (Jan 2012) pg. 5
SciFi Now Magazine (Jan 2012) pg. 6
SciFi Now Magazine (Jan 2012) pg. 7
SciFi Now Magazine (Jan 2012) pg. 8
The Sun (Jan 2012)
The Star Malaysia (Jan 2012)
Galaxie (Malaysia) Feb 2012 pg.1
Galaxie (Malaysia) Feb 2012 pg.2
USA Weekend (Mar 2012)
SciFi Now (Mar 2012) pg. 1
SciFi Now (Mar 2012) pg. 2
SciFi Now (Mar 2012) pg. 3
SciFi Now (Mar 2012) pg. 4
The Lady (March 2012) pg. 1
The Lady (March 2012) pg. 2
The Lady (March 2012) pg. 3
The Lady (March 2012) pg. 5
The Lady (March 2012) pg. 4
The Lady (March 2012) pg. 6
The Lady (March 2012) pg. 7
The Lady (March 2012) pg. 8
The Lady (March 2012) pg. 9
The Lady Magazine (2 Mar 2012)
Spirit and Destiny Magazine (May 2012) pg. 1
Spirit and Destiny Magazine (May 2012) pg. 2
Spirit and Destiny Magazine (May 2012) pg. 3
SFX (Aug 2012) pg. 1
SFX (Aug 2012) pg. 2
SFX (Aug 2012) pg. 3
TV Choice (2012)
TV Choice Magazine
Unknown French Magazine
Sunday Express (Sep 2012)
SFX Magazine (Oct 2012)
The Daily Telegraph (Oct 2012)
What's On TV (Oct 2012) pg. 1
What's On TV (Oct 2012) pg. 2
Radio Times (Oct 2012) pg. 1
Radio Times (Oct 2012) pg. 2
Radio Times (Oct 2012) pg. 3
TV Week (Australia) (Oct 2012)
Total TV Guide
Daily Mail Weekend (Oct 2012)
Courrier Picard (France) (Oct 2012)
Lancashire Telegraph (Nov 2012)
Evening Standard (Nov 2012)
TV Week (Australia) (Nov 2012)
The Scotsman (Nov 2012)
Galaxie Magazine (Dec 2012)
TV & Satellite (1)
TV & Satellite (2)
The Sun TV Magazine (2012)
Metro (Dec 2012)
TeenNOW (Jan 2013) pg. 1
TeenNOW (Jan 2013) pg. 2
TeenNOW (Jan 2013) pg. 3
The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee) (Jan 2013)
The Star Malaysia (Star2) (Jan 2013)
The Columbus Dispatch (Jan 2013)
Take It Easy Magazine (2013)
The Morning Call (Jan 2013)
The Los Angeles Times (Jan 2013)
Series Magazine (France) (Feb 2013) pg. 1
Series Magazine (France) (Feb 2013) pg. 2
Series Magazine (France) (Feb 2013) pg. 3
TV Serienhighlights magazine (Germany) Apr 2013 pg. 1
TV Serienhighlights magazine (Germany) Apr 2013 pg. 2
Irish Independent Weekend (Apr 2013) pg. 1
Irish Independent Weekend (Apr 2013) pg. 2
Irish Independent Weekend (Apr 2013) pg. 3
СЕРИАЛ (Series) (Ukraine) (Jan 2 2013) pg. 1
СЕРИАЛ (Series) (Ukraine) (Jan 2 2013) pg. 2
СЕРИАЛ (Series) (Ukraine) (Jan 2 2013) pg. 3
Times Colonist (Mar 2013)
Calgary Herald (Mar 2013)
The Daily Telegraph (Apr 2013)
SFX Magazine (Oct 2013) pg. 1
SFX Magazine (Oct 2013) pg. 1
Marie Claire UK (Oct 2013)
InStyle UK (Dec 2013) pg. 1
InStyle UK (Dec 2013) pg. 2
InStyle UK (Dec 2013) pg. 3
InStyle UK (Dec 2013) pg. 4
InStyle UK (Dec 2013) pg. 5
InStyle UK (Dec 2013) pg. 6
InStyle UK (Dec 2013) pg. 7
InStyle UK (Dec 2013) pg. 8
Merlin: A Servant of Two Masters (Nintendo DS)
The Nintendo DS game, Merlin: A Servant of Two Masters, is a hidden picture style puzzle game with intermittent mini games which focuses on the events of the episode by the same name. The game is available to play online or download here. In order for it to operate locally, you must download the ROM from the link above AND install an NDS emulator on your device. A copy of the instructional booklet can be found here. You can watch the official trailer here.
Merlin: The Game (Facebook)
The official launch of Merlin: The Game coincided with the premiere of season five of Merlin on BBC One in Autumn 2012. Unfortunately, there is currently no known way to play the game. There was quite a bit of community involvement at one time, however, even to the point of merchandise being created specifically for the game, not just the show. Behind the Scenes and Gameplay videos can be seen below:
Merlin: The Game Gameplay
Behind the Scenes - Merlin: The Game - The Voice-Over Sessions - featuring Colin Morgan
Behind the Scenes - Merlin: The Game - The History of Bossa Studios - featuring Colin Morgan
Behind the Scenes - Merlin: The Game - The Merlin Fans - featuring Colin Morgan
Behind the Scenes - Making Merlin: The Game - featuring Colin Morgan
Behind the Scenes - Merlin: The Game - Social Games - featuring Colin Morgan

Merlin: The Black Knight’s Quest
A classical turn-based RPG-style game developed by Intenium, released Jun 15, 2011. It was available on the iPhone App Store for $4.99 and compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad (required iOS 3.1.2 or later). Synopsis claimed players would be "fighting evil villains, solving deep riddles and confronting the Black Knight" and could play both Arthur and Merlin. Featured more than 30 quests and 5 behind the scenes videos.
Merlin: Camelot Defence (BBC Website)
One of two Flash games that were available on the BBC's website, Merlin: Camelot Defence is a basic castle defence style game. You can still access and play both games using BlueMaxima's Flashpoint, a community-run archive and softward package which aims to preserve games and animations from the web (for Mac support, visit this page). You can also watch a playthrough here.
Merlin: Quest for the Mortaeus (BBC Website)
One of two Flash games that were available on the BBC's website, Merlin: Quest for the Mortaeus draws from the episode The Poisoned Chalice. The player swaps back and forth between Arthur climbing the cave walls and fighting off spiders to get to the Mortaeus flower and Gaius treating Merlin in his sick bed. When Arthur reaches the top of the wall, he encounters Nimueh, who hurls magic and giant spiders at him until he defeats her and wins the game.You can still access and play both games using BlueMaxima's Flashpoint, a community-run archive and softward package which aims to preserve games and animations from the web (for Mac support, visit this page). You can also play this game in your browser here.
The following are a few photoshoots and events featuring the cast that are a bit harder to find as full sets.
Far, Far Away is an excellent resource for cast images as well.
Total Film Photoshoot
THAT Magazine Photoshoot
OK Magazine (Sep 2009)
A Night Less Ordinary (Tricycle Theatre for Arts Council England, Nov 2009)
Irish Sunday Independent Photoshoot
Merlin: The Dragon Tower Warwick Castle
Irish Tatler (Oct 2010)
Gay Times Photoshoot
InStyle UK Photoshoot
Irish Tatler (Jul 2011)
The Lady Photoshoot
Irish Times
Radio Times Photoshoot
Merlin Wrap Party
Dale McCready Merlin Archive (Web Size)
Dale McCready Merlin Archive (Full Res)